Got some AirPods and was unsatisfied with all existing Android apps, so I made
my own...
GitHub - d4rken-org/capod: A companion app for AirPods on Android.A companion
app for AirPods on
A small Arduino based enviromental sensor for an outdoor electrical box.
GitHub - d4rken/feeder-box-sensor: Arduino based temp/humidity sensor node.
Arduino based temp/humidity sensor node. Contribute to d4rken/feeder-box-sensor
development by
An arduino-based solar powered outdoor weather station in a 3d printed case.
GitHub - d4rken/arduino-weather-station-v2Contribute to
d4rken/arduino-weather-station-v2 development by creating an account on GitHub.
GitHubd4rken []
Companion app for DJI's FPV Goggles.
GitHub - d4rken-org/fpv-dvca: An unofficial companion app for DJI’s Digital FPV
System.An unofficial companion app for DJI’s Digital FPV System. -
The latest version of my boiler-plate template projects.
It's also a playground for me to setup Github Actions and try-out other CI
Predecessors were v1 [] and